Oral health & oral hygiene
For healthy teeth and a radiant smile, effective oral hygiene is indispensable. However, oral hygiene not only involves removing plaque and the remains of food from the teeth, it also means caring for the gums and the entire oral microbiome. Thus, cavities, enamel wear, inflammation of the gums and other diseases are prevented.
In this guide, you will find useful information on teeth, gums and oral health.
![[Translate to en_DE:] Zahnaufbau [Translate to en_DE:] Zahnaufbau](/fileadmin/user_upload/bioniq-repair-zahnpflege.com/images/content/zahngesundheit/zahnaufbau/DE/bioniq-repair-teaser-zahnaufbau.jpg)
Tooth structure
What does a tooth look like on the inside? And are there differences between molars and incisors? In this article you will discover the structure of a human tooth, find out which areas need special protection during your daily oral hygiene routine and what medical approaches are available to restore your teeth.
![[Translate to en_DE:] Zahnschmelz [Translate to en_DE:] Zahnschmelz](/fileadmin/user_upload/bioniq-repair-zahnpflege.com/images/content/zahngesundheit/zahnschmelz/bioniq-repair-teaser-zahnschmelz-schuetzt-die-zaehne.jpg)
Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the human body. Over time, however, it is worn away. In this article you will learn what enamel is, what function it has for oral health, how to detect enamel wear and how to restore your own enamel.

Sensitive teeth
Individuals suffering from sensitive teeth know the sudden, flash-like pain which will follow after savouring cold, hot, sour or sweet foods. Here, you will find the most frequent causes for the so-called dentin hypersensitivity and what you can do about it!

Whiten teeth gently
Costly bleaching is not the only way to whiter teeth. Here we provide you with an overview of what you need to consider when choosing a whitening toothpaste, which home remedies you should avoid and what treatments are offered by the professionals.

Inflammation of the gums (gingivitis)
If your gums are reddened, swollen or even bleeding, these may be signs of gingivitis. In this article you will learn how to detect inflamed gums, how good oral hygiene promotes healing and when gingivitis means a visit to the dentist.

Periodontitis – also known as gum disease – is inflammation of the tooth socket. In many patients, this disease goes unnoticed for some time, as there are only a few symptoms during the initial stages. In this article you will find out how to recognise periodontitis and how to treat it.

Bleeding gums
Whether you discover your gums bleeding between meals, during mealtime or when brushing your teeth, you need to clarify the cause. It is not usual for healthy gums to bleed.

Gum health during pregnancy
Bleeding or inflammation of the gums during pregnancy is not a reason to panic. Find out in this article how you can take care of your teeth and gums and keep them healthy during this special time.